Monthly Archives: August 2024


MONDAY AUGUST 26th, Well here it is the last week of August already. Where has the summer gone? Well for those on the edge waiting for Salmon a few are starting. Still early but it is definitely good to see some early ones. Here is a pic of Joe who caught the first one I...


Tuesday August 20th, The dog days of summer are upon us! August is just that kinda month for us here. Everyone waiting on the big guys King Salmon (Chinook). Water is still warm and it is just a bit early but I do have a report from a reputable fisherman that he has seen a...


FISHING REPORT Wednesday August 14th, No kings yet. Have a few guys trying but nothing to report. Perch good in the river by the Riverwalk but haven't heard of any by us lately. That could change at a moments notice though. That river area has been doing really well on a variety of fish. I have a few...