Monday June 12th. Well the final stretch of the Perch closure is here. Perch season will open back up on Friday June 16th. We will also be opening at 4am starting on the 16th also. With all these North/ East winds the water temps are climbing fast. There have been perch caught by guys fishing for other fish so I’m not sure what the opening will be like. Of course I’m hoping good but the weather and perch will determine that.
The story of the perch closure is something I have been meaning to write about, many do not know the real origin so stay tuned for that story.
As for other fish here on the lakefront there have been lots of sheephead on the horseshoe with the north-east winds on pond crabs and soft shells.
The Smallmouth have also been hit or miss with them bedding and spawning which should be almost done. Have a great week and as always call for your up to the minute report we tell it as we hear it!

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