Fishing report for Monday May 13th, Coho have moved out deeper and up north (Waukegan area). Perch season is closed through June 15th, if caught you need to release. Season opens back up on Sunday June 16th which just happens to be Father’s Day. Smallmouth are hitting here and there around the harbors. Riverwalk starting to get more active with a variety of fish, Crappie, carp, bluegill, bass etc…. Water temps going up shouldn’t be long before the sheephead are biting on the Horseshoe! We have everything you need for wherever you are fishing and whatever fish you are going for! This Thursday May 16th is the Chicago Fishing Advisory Committee meeting at 10am at the 31st Harbor community room hope a few anglers can come. As always call for your up to the minute, we tell it as we hear it!

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